Sustainable Event & Room Options
From individual guest rooms to common areas and event spaces, we offer guests a range of options for traveling and gathering responsibly.
All Kyo-ya hotel rooms feature:
- Environmentally safe water-based paints
- Cleaning with green chemicals and non-aerosols
- Linen reuse option
- Low flow plumbing faucets
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Sheets, blankets, duvets and pillowcase donation program
- Air conditioning in public areas and meeting spaces scheduled during hot and humid weather only
For events, each of our hotels offers unique sustainability options that typically include:
- Meeting amenities set at stations instead of each seat
- Option of using pitchers for beverages instead of individual bottles
- China and glassware instead of disposables at most events
- Air conditioning for function rooms turned on and off by event schedules
- Biodegradable cutlery, corn resin to go cups and recyclable boxes for to go lunches
- Vegetarian and vegan food options
- Banquet menus available on our websites to reduce printing
- Spaces equipped with recycling bins
Unique Local Experiences
To enhance our guests’ connection with our communities, we can also arrange outings with local partners that support sustainable causes. Past events have featured team-building exercises such as beach cleanups and reforestation projects. Kyo-ya staff regularly volunteer with local community organizations and can assist you in finding the right opportunity for your event.
The Waikiki Collection sustainable events have been recognized as Best in the United States by Skift Meetings & BizBash.